Nov 14, 2017

10 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Laser Hair Removal

1. Stay out of the sun before your appointment.
At *least* four weeks before, to be exact. You can't receive this treatment if you're sunburned — or even if you have a tan.

2. You must shave the area you’re getting lasered.
Do NOT proceed to come in with your hairy self. This isn't like waxing, and you don't need to grow your unwanted hair out beforehand.

On that note, you can't come in for laser hair removal if you've had a wax recently. Remember: The laser targets the PIGMENT of your hair follicle, and the follicle actually has to be there in order for this to work.

The best thing you can do is shave a day before your appointment. If you don't, your physician will most likely provide you with a razor so you can get 'er done!

3. Your physician will provide a test patch on your skin at your first appointment.
The sad truth is that not everyone's skin will react well to cosmetic laser treatments. Pigment problems, discoloration, and scarring can occur with some skin types, which is why it's important to allow your physician to conduct a small test patch first.

4. Your appointment can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.
It all depends on the area you're having treated. Underarms and bikini lines tend to be quick treatments, but other areas like the legs or back can take a little longer.

5. Getting laser hair removal near the eyes is a BIG no
Listen, I know cosmetic lasers may LOOK all pretty and innocent with their colored beams of light, but they can be seriously dangerous around the eyes. No matter where you're receiving treatment, you should always wear eye protection, which your physician will provide.

6. You can’t make an appointment for a full-body laser hair removal treatment.
If someone tells you that you can, RUN FAR AND FAST. There's only a certain amount of cosmetic laser light and heat that your body should safely absorb each session.

7. If you want to see results, you have to be consistent.
Hear me out: There's a good reason for this. Your hair follicles are on their own growth cycle. People who see the best results typically go in for treatment every four to six weeks in order to maximize the potential of zappin' the most follicles. This time frame allows the dead hair shafts to fall out on their own.

8. You should see prominent results after three months.
After the first few treatments you might not see much of a difference, but I started to notice a dramatic drop in my unwanted follicles after the three-month mark — and even more after that.

9. Some hair and skin types can be a little harder to treat — but not impossible.
Dark hair follicles are usually easy to treat because, again, the laser targets the hair's pigment. This is also why gray, white, blonde, and red pigments can be tricky.

Darker tones can also be harder to treat, but not impossible.

10. The treatment itself isn't particularly relaxing.
Every time the laser fires, it feels like someone is snapping you with a rubber band. Sounds SUPER enticing, right? But the long-term result should be worth the half hour of pain.

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