Oct 11, 2017

08 Everyday Habits That Are Giving You Acne

Habit No. 1: Using makeup with ingredients that can cause irritation There are certain ingredients lurking in the makeup and sunscreen you're slathering on that are causing you to break out. Now this doesn't mean you have to forgo your foundation (scary, we know) or stop applying SPF (please, don't), but you do need to keep a watchful eye on product labels.

Habit No. 2: Over-drying your face Sucking all the oil and moisture out of your face is a sure-fire way to irritate your skin, says Nakhla. While it might seem like a good idea to dry out oily skin with harsh cleansers, soap, and alcohol-based toners -- and skimp on the moisturizer -- your skin is more complicated than that. 

Drying out your skin will actually cause it to produce more oil, says King. She explains that the skin naturally tries to correct itself, therefore if it feels dry it will try to balance the situation by producing more oil, continuing the vicious cycle. 

Habit No. 3: Pressure (literally) So what is pressure-induced acne exactly? acne caused by physical pressure on your face, be it from the cell phone you are constantly on, an instrument (like the violin), or simply a hand resting on your face as you glare into the TV or computer screen. This pressure not only exposes your skin to loads of bacteria, but the actual force of this bacteria against your face can cause you to break out. 

Habit No. 4: Pressure (figuratively) So, you're already aware that stress gets your heart racing, your stomach churning, and causes wrinkles -- but did you know that it also increases the hormones that can cause acne? So sad, so true. So what are we saying -- magically chill out just because we told you to (yeah, wouldn't that just be dandy)? No, but you can do things to relax and minimize the drama.

Reason No. 5: Your laundry schedule As if your dirty laundry isn't annoying enough to deal with, it could also be causing your acne. Think about it: Your face lies on your pillowcase for hours at a time, and if it's not clean, you're basically rolling around in a bunch of dead skin cells and bacteria. As for that towel of yours? If it's not fresh from the dryer, you could be wiping germs all over your newly-cleansed skin. 

Habit No. 6: The hair products you use Many people don't think about how their hair products can cause acne, says Nakhla, but think about how often your hair touches your face. And remember that unless you are washing your hair every night before bed, all that product is transferring onto your pillow.  
Habit No. 7: Using dirty makeup applicators Alright, so now that you are diligently checking the labels on all your makeup products for known acne instigators, you need to think about the actual brushes, sponges, and other applicators you use to apply your non-comedogenic makeup.
Habit No. 8: Your diet OK, so you've heard rumors that foods like chocolate and French fries are practically guaranteed to give you zits, but the good news (kinda) is that's not totally true.

It's really an overall unhealthy diet that effects your skin. Shamban says that having a high glycemic index, which is caused by frequently eating foods known to spike your blood sugar levels (like refined sugar, white bread, pastas, and fried foods), will mess with your body and can cause acne. So if you are eating these foods only on occasion, it's not likely the cause for your breakouts. 

Also, some people, though they might not know it, have actual allergies to foods like chocolate, wheat, or dairy that cause them to break out. So if you notice your skin goes nuts after a bagel binge or cookie dough ice cream social, take a break from these foods and see what happens. 

Sep 6, 2017

The Only 12 Exercises You Need To Get In Shape

Learn these moves and you’ll never need to pay for a gym membership again.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin/get-fit-bodyweight-exercises?utm_term=.ueBGyO9J2#.jk6mzOnPq

Bodyweight exercises are moves that use only your body’s weight as resistance, such as pushups and lunges — no equipment needed. They’re a staple in many high-intensity circuit training (HICT) workouts. HICT workouts are intense and quick — like crazy quick. Like, you do them in less than 30 minutes quick. That means you can get in great shape without going to the gym, spending hours working out, or using any workout equipment at all. (Seriously; it’s science.) You’ve just gotta know the right moves.

BuzzFeed Life reached out to personal trainer and exercise physiologist Albert Matheny, C.S.C.S., founder of SoHo Strength Lab, and asked him to come up with a list of 12 exercise moves that are essential for anyone who wants to be able to do a workout anywhere and anytime. He also came up with nine different workouts that are various combinations of these moves. But you can think of these 12 moves as the building blocks for tons of variations of quick, do-anywhere HICT workouts.

Some of these moves have instructions for how to make them easier and others don’t. For the moves that don’t have “make it easier” instructions, just perform the movements as well as you can. Know that it’s better to do just a few reps of each movement perfectly, rather than doing many reps of the movements wrong. Cool!
After you’ve mastered the below moves, learn how to combine them into full 20- or 30-minute workouts here.

1. Pushup
Place your hands directly under your shoulders.
Position your feet hip-width apart.
Maintain a plank position; your body should be in a straight line from from the back of your head to your hips.
Keep your neck neutral, keeping it in line with your shoulders.
As you lower, keep your elbows close to your body.

Let your butt sag or stick up.
Tilt your head up or tuck it in.
Allow your shoulders to come towards your ears.

Make it easier
Widen the distance between your feet for better stability.

Or perform the pushup as described above, but rather than starting in and returning to a plank position, do the pushup with your knees touching the ground. Just make sure to keep your back and thighs in a straight line.

2. Plank
Plant your hands under your shoulders, or slightly wider apart.
Squeeze your glutes. (That would be your butt.)
Keep your body in a straight line from the top of your head through your feet.
Tighten your core.
Tuck your chin.
Fix your gaze on the floor, either between or just beyond your hands.

Let your butt lift or sag.
Lift your head.
Hold the position if your form is suffering — the only good exercise move is one that you do right.

Make it easier
Hold the position for a shorter period of time.

3. Glute Bridge
Lie on your back.
Place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, with your knees bent.
Contract your abs.
Push through your heels to lift your hips off the floor.

Stop contracting your abs.
Push your hips so high that the neutral position of your hips and back becomes compromised.

4. Spider Lunge
Start in the top of a pushup position.
Bring your right foot to the outside of your right hand.
Land with a flat foot.
Bring your foot back to the starting position.
Repeat on other side.
Maintain a strong plank position throughout.

Allow your shoulders to move away from directly over your hands.
Allow your hips to sag.

5. Plank Tap
Begin in a plank position.
Lightly tap your left shoulder with your right hand.
Return your hands to the plank position.
Alternate on the other side.
Maintain a strong plank position with a tight core and glutes throughout.

Allow your weight to shift as you tap your shoulders.

6. Squat
Position your feet somewhere between hip- and shoulder-width apart.
Turn your toes out as needed to accommodate flexibility through the movement.
Keep your chest tall.
Look ahead and slightly up.
Be sure your knees are tracking in line with your toes.
Squat as deep as your flexibility allows.

Let your knees travel forward past your toes.
Let your knees buckle inwards.
Lift your heels off the ground.
Shift your weight to your toes.

Make it easier
Keep the squat shallow if going deeper is difficult or pulling uncomfortably.

7. Side Lunge
Keep your chest up.
Shift your weight through your midfoot and heel.
Lunge as low as your flexibility allows.

Let your knees travel forward past your toes.

8. Squat Jump
Squat until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
Keep your chest up.
Hold your arms straight in front of you as you squat, pushing them behind your back as you jump.
Jump as high as you can.
Exhale as you jump.
Land softly.

Allow your knees to travel past your toes.
Shift your weight to your toes while squatting.

9. Jumping Lunge
Keep your front knee at 90 degrees.
Lunge as low as flexibility allows without the back knee touching the floor.
Maintain a vertical torso.
Keep your weight evenly distributed between your front and back foot.
Jump to switch your foot positioning — front foot goes back, back foot goes front.
Coordinate arm movement so that the front arm pumps forward while the opposite leg lunges back.
Land softly.

Allow your knee to touch the floor.

Make it easier
Don’t jump — just do regular lunges.

10. Single-Leg Deadlift
Maintain a flat back.
Keep your core tight.
Keep your weight evenly distributed in your planted leg.
Raise one leg straight behind you, keeping your toes pointed down, as you bend forward, hinging at the hips.
Bend only as low as your flexibility allows.
Pull yourself back to standing using the hamstring (the back) of your planted leg.
Keep your head neutral.

Reach for the floor by leading with your fingertips, which causes your back to round — instead, focus on keeping the back flat and hinging at the hips.
Try to touch the floor if your flexibility will not allow it.
Alternate legs between each rep — stick to one leg per set, and then switch to the other leg for the next set.

11. Reverse Lunge
Start in a straight standing position.
Step one foot backwards.
Keep your front knee at a 90-degree angle.
Keep your chest up.
Distribute your weight evenly between front and back foot.
Allow your back knee to lightly touch the floor.
Push through your front heel as you stand up.
Coordinate your arm movements so that your front arm pumps forward while the opposite leg lunges back.

Shift the weight in your front foot to your toes.
Allow your knee to travel beyond your toes.
Allow your front knee to cave inward.

12. Walkout
Keep your legs as straight as your flexibility allows.
Keep your back flat.
Bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
Maintain a tight core as you walk your hands forward until you’re in plank position and then backward to standing.
Push your hips as high as possible and press your heels into the ground as you walk your hands back in.

Walk your hands past the pushup position.
Allow your hips to sag below neutral.
Sway side to side from your hips.
Bring your shoulders up toward your ears.

Make it easier
Bend your knees slightly if you’re unable to reach the ground, with the goal of increasing your flexibility over time and working toward straight legs.

Aug 29, 2017

About Wrinkle Treatments

Wrinkle treatments are performed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in specific areas of your face. When you come into the clinic for wrinkle treatment, your procedure will be performed by doctors who have earned medical degrees and performed their residency in well-ranked and respected medical facilities around the world.
The cost of wrinkle treatment at the clinic is competitive. Your actual cost for the wrinkle treatment will depend on the type of treatment you have and how many wrinkles you have treated. You'll be able to select a doctor who has experience and board certification as a dermatologist.

How Do Wrinkle Treatments Work?

The dermatologists may use a variety of techniques to reduce or even eliminate your wrinkles. One popular technique is with Botox injections. Your doctor might also use your own fat cells to fill in areas where your skin has sunken and become wrinkled. You and your doctor will work together to select a treatment option that is best suited to your particular condition.

The time that it takes to recover from a wrinkle treatment depends on the type of treatment that you have. With a Botox injection, your recovery time is minimal and your face will have a less wrinkled appearance by the time you leave the clinic. Within a few days of your visit, the injection will have its full effects. These effects last for six months or longer. Some people find that their facial muscles remain a bit stiff after a Botox injection, and these effects might last until the Botox itself wears off. If you have an injection of your own cells to fill in lines and wrinkles on your face, the time to fully recover is usually just a few days. This is because it is your own cells that are being used, and your body does not have any negative reaction to its own self. You may have a small amount of redness or swelling at the site of the injection. The time to recover after a laser treatment for wrinkles is about 10 to 14 days, depending on the extent of the treatment.

Wrinkle treatments are recommended for anyone who wishes to look younger. You could have crow's feet, smile lines or other wrinkles eliminated with this type of care.

Aug 22, 2017

6 Anti-Aging Snacks To Eat On The Go

The foods you consume have a colossal influence on your body's ageing process. Eating the right snacks, in particular, not only helps in fending off serious illness such as cancer and heart disease but assists in shaping all aspects of ageing, including strength and stamina, how easy can you remember names or how fast can you solve a jigsaw puzzle.

6. Almond
Almonds are packed with the expensive and hard-to-get vitamin E, the nutrient that keeps your body agile and strong. When scientists from a number of leading research centres examined at the influence of different vitamins on speed, coordination, and balance in people aged 65 and above, the only one that made a remarkable difference was vitamin E. Volunteers with the lowest physical performance were found to have the lowest levels of E. The more agile participants, on the other hand, had adequate amounts of the vitamin in their system.

5. Apricots

Rich in vitamin A, Apricots vitamin aids in cellular differentiation, vision and healthy fetal development. It is also involved in immune-system functioning and in keeping the skin and mucous membranes healthy, thus producing a healthy vibrant skin. Vitamin A may also help treat acne and skin problems, promote healthy vision, reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and maintain bone strength. It may also be important in neurological functioning.

4 Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate not only satisfy the intense craving many of us have, it also helps in lowering blood pressure. That's heart-healthy news since blood pressure typically rises as you get older, increasing your chances of getting a heart attack and stroke. Lucky for your waistline you don't need much chocolate to benefit from its blood pressure-lowering effects. German researchers recently found that just a quarter of an ounce of dark chocolate per day (the amount in one-seventh of most chocolate bars) trimmed two to three points off hypertensive patients' blood pressure. The reason? Cocoa is rich in flavonols, potent plant chemicals that encourage blood vessels to relax, keeping them youthful, supple and pliable.

3. Walnut

With just 4 grams of carbs per ounce, walnuts can help you snack your way through a low-carb diet, not to mention their lofty levels of mega-healthy omega-3 fatty acids: another good reason to go nuts for them. When purchasing nuts, opt for salt-free to keep your sodium intake in check.

2. String cheese

String cheese is a fast way to help bolster your intake of protein with little carbohydrate cost. Stash a bag in your fridge for when the munchies strike, but consider choosing reduced-fat versions to keep the snack calories more in your favor. If you're looking to gain mass, however, the extra calories that full-fat string cheese provides can help in your pursuit of glance-stealing size.

1. Blueberries

Not only they so tasty and delicious, berries are also factories of nutrition ranked as the healthiest of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are packed of antioxidants that help your body neutralise the molecules that can harm brain cells and brain function. A study by Tufts University have revealed that anthocyanins in blueberries combat oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of ageing. Anthocyanins also aid your brain in the production of dopamine, a chemical that help you maintain better body coordination and improve your memory as well as mood.