6. Almond
Almonds are packed with the expensive and hard-to-get vitamin E, the nutrient that keeps your body agile and strong. When scientists from a number of leading research centres examined at the influence of different vitamins on speed, coordination, and balance in people aged 65 and above, the only one that made a remarkable difference was vitamin E. Volunteers with the lowest physical performance were found to have the lowest levels of E. The more agile participants, on the other hand, had adequate amounts of the vitamin in their system.
5. Apricots
Rich in vitamin A, Apricots vitamin aids in cellular differentiation, vision and healthy fetal development. It is also involved in immune-system functioning and in keeping the skin and mucous membranes healthy, thus producing a healthy vibrant skin. Vitamin A may also help treat acne and skin problems, promote healthy vision, reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and maintain bone strength. It may also be important in neurological functioning.
4 Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate not only satisfy the intense craving many of us have, it also helps in lowering blood pressure. That's heart-healthy news since blood pressure typically rises as you get older, increasing your chances of getting a heart attack and stroke. Lucky for your waistline you don't need much chocolate to benefit from its blood pressure-lowering effects. German researchers recently found that just a quarter of an ounce of dark chocolate per day (the amount in one-seventh of most chocolate bars) trimmed two to three points off hypertensive patients' blood pressure. The reason? Cocoa is rich in flavonols, potent plant chemicals that encourage blood vessels to relax, keeping them youthful, supple and pliable.
3. Walnut
With just 4 grams of carbs per ounce, walnuts can help you snack your way through a low-carb diet, not to mention their lofty levels of mega-healthy omega-3 fatty acids: another good reason to go nuts for them. When purchasing nuts, opt for salt-free to keep your sodium intake in check.
2. String cheese
String cheese is a fast way to help bolster your intake of protein with little carbohydrate cost. Stash a bag in your fridge for when the munchies strike, but consider choosing reduced-fat versions to keep the snack calories more in your favor. If you're looking to gain mass, however, the extra calories that full-fat string cheese provides can help in your pursuit of glance-stealing size.
1. Blueberries
Not only they so tasty and delicious, berries are also factories of nutrition ranked as the healthiest of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are packed of antioxidants that help your body neutralise the molecules that can harm brain cells and brain function. A study by Tufts University have revealed that anthocyanins in blueberries combat oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of ageing. Anthocyanins also aid your brain in the production of dopamine, a chemical that help you maintain better body coordination and improve your memory as well as mood.
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