When performed by an experienced dermatologist, microdermabrasion
is expected to improve dull skin and fine lines and reduce blemishes. Skin products
such as lotion creams and moisturizers are often used after the procedure to boost the
effectiveness of the treatment. Microdermabrasion is painless and less invasive
than its counterpart dermabrasion that often requires anesthesia.
Microdermabrasion is a suitable treatment for you if:
- You your skin has sun damage, acne scars, or fine lines
- You want to enlighten your skin and have a healthy and glowing face
- You desire to keep a healthy and clear skin complexion
- Your skin pores are clogged and you often have blackheads and/or whiteheads
How it works
There are two types of microdermabrison procedures widely
used by dermatologist, crystal and Diamond-Tip Microdermabrasion. During the
crystal microdermabrison, the dermatologist uses a handpiece device that emits
crystal particles onto the surface of your skin, causing a gentle abrasion that
removes the dead skin cell. Both the dead skin cells and the crystals are then suctioned off the skin with the same handpeice, revealing a new and fresh
layer of the skin.
The Diamond-Tip Microdermabrasion, on the other hand, is
performed with handpiece equipped with a diamond-tip that gently abrades the skin. Just like the previous procedure, the dead skin is suctioned using the
same handpiece either during the treatment or in a secondary process. Diamond-tip
microdermabrasion is considered safer than the crystal-based counterpart when performed
closer to the eyes where the skin is quite sensitive skin.
Few days after the treatment, you should notice a healthy
glow on your skin. However, the most satisfying results are observed following
repeated sessions. In most cases, the number of sessions needed to obtain desired
results range from five days to two weeks. To preserve the results, periodic treatments
or care session are required that can be performed either at home or at the
It very important that you follow the instructions provided
by your physician. They may include daily care advice or measures you need to
do when you experience side effect or any potential signs of complications.
Another important fact to consider is that the time for the procedure varies
greatly from a patients to another.
Microdermabrision vs. other treatments
Two of the main reasons to pick microdermabrasion from other
skin treatment is; its minimal side effects and downtime. The exfoliation and
suctioning might cause some mild swelling and redness on your skin, depending
on your sensitivity. Nonetheless, these side effects can be relieved by applying
a moisturizer and cream lotions and following your physician’s instructions.
Just like other noninvasive skin procedures, it is highly recommended
for you to wait a day or two before doing any strenuous exercise. It is always important
that you protect your skin from the sun by applying sunscreen it every time you
go outdoor. If you experienced or long-lasting pain or noticed swelling or
redness, you shouldn’t hesitate to visit your physician to determine whether it is ordinary symptom or a sign of complication.
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